When I look out of the window of my room on the second storey of my house, I see clouds forming a myriad of shapes and see shades that no painter could ever bring onto a canvas. I guess God is just moody and likes to have fun now and then. As I look down, on the road, I see people; lives with a story of their own. And I wonder, what will I be when I grow up. Right now, I know that I am young and have a lot to learn, but sometimes I am just scared of what I am going to become. With lives changing and people on a constant run, I am scared to become a part of this crowd. Here I am, listing a few things that I really want my 30 year old self to remember:
1. Keep your family close – It is true that you will be busy with your life and would be working really hard to achieve your goals, but don’t forget your family. Remember that mom will be getting older and will need you more often than she does now. She might need you to drive her around to meet her friends or maybe just shop. But please remember to be around her. She has been there through all of my phases. And I want you to stick around.
You will have a wife by then and may be a kid too. Don’t forget that you are their world and they will need you at all times. Spare time for them and make them feel loved and wanted.
2. Don’t be a couch potato – I want you to travel and see the world. Earn money but do not forget to visit places that you’ve always wanted to visit. Go on adventure treks, with groups, family or alone and rediscover yourself. Never let yourself get bored and keep doing everything that you want to do, no matter how crazy that sounds. Do not just keep watching TV. I don’t think THAT idiot box is going to change much in the next 12 years!
3. Be your kid’s hero – I remember how I was a kid and used to look up to daddy for everything. He is my hero and my ultimate strength. I rely on him for everything and he is somehow able to sort every problem that I have. I want you to be just like that. Be your kid’s hero and let him know that you will always be there for him. It’s the best feeling ever.
4. Don’t keep running after money – I want to see you doing great professionally, and above all enjoying your job. Don’t get stuck into a job that you don’t want to do because I don’t want you to curse your life everyday. Financial stability is important but it is not above your life. Hold on. Relax. Learn to breathe and not just inhale and exhale.
5. Don’t get arrogant – Right now, I feel that I can achieve everything I want. I know I am hardworking and hold big dreams. I hope that I am able to turn those dreams into reality but not at the cost of being arrogant. Arrogance destroys our true being. I want you to be humble and down-to-earth and not let money or position enter your head.
6. Don’t lose your childlike charm – I love to play with kids and do things that make others happy. Making funny faces and doing little things that cheers up my loved ones’ faces is a joy I cannot explain. I don’t want you to lose that. Just keep it there with you. Let there be lights and laughter at your house and good food shared amongst the best of people you have in your life.
7. Don’t take life too seriously – Forget things that hurt you. Remember things that made you smile and people you were there to help and support you in your bad times. Let go of anger and laugh easily. Try to ignore things that you don’t like and don’t let it have an effect on you. Just live the day as it comes by.
8. Don’t be a heart broken Romeo – If you have been hurt and heart broken once, it does not mean that every girl will do the same to you. Don’t become the angry young man who doesn’t want to love anymore. Be ready to love and give in. It is no big deal to get your heart broken. But when you love, love deeply; like she is the only woman you’d ever want to love!
Just stick to your roots and never forget who you are. Other than that, life’s good buddy. Relax. And have as much fun as you want. It is going to be great!