10KeyThings Chromium guide


  • What is Chromium?

Chromium, a mineral that humans need in very small amounts, is essential for good health. It is found in our body in two different forms and is involved in the metabolism of fat, carbohydrates and proteins. Chromium is also important for enhancing the action of insulin.

  • What are the Sources of Chromium?

Trace amounts can be found in broccoli, grapes, potatoes, garlic, basil, oranges, turkey, whole wheat bread, red wine, apples, bananas and green beans.

  • How much Chromium should I take?

It is recommended that adult males take 30 – 35 mcg per day and women take 20 – 25 mcg per day. The amount that kids should take is decided based on their age. Infants should be given 5.5 mcg per day till they are a year old. Then the dosage is increased after three years to 5.5 mcg and then to 11 and 15 mcg per day.

  • What can happen if I Dont take Chromium?

Deficiency of chromium may cause glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes and other urinary problems.

You may also like to check on the following, in case, you are unknowingly missing a vital nutrient in your diet that can have significant impact on your kids or your health:

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