- What are Fats?
Firstly, it is time to break the myth that says ‘eating fat makes one fat’; weight loss and gain occur because of calories, it does not matter whether they come from fats or proteins or carbohydrates. Not all fats are good; polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are considered as healthy fats, as they have lower cholesterol levels.
- What are the Sources of Fats?
The following are good sources of fats ‘Seeds, fish oil, canola oil, walnuts, almonds, salmon, mackerel, peanuts, avocados, etc.’
- How much Fats should I take?
Many experts believe that 20 – 30 percent of one’s daily calorie intake should come from fat. So, if a person takes 2000 calories per day, then 44-66 grams of fat has to be consumed by this person on a daily basis.
- What can happen if I do not take Fats?
The deficiency in fats could lead to problems because fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are absorbed by the body in terms of fat, and this could lead to bone and tooth development problem, dry skin, increased bleeding and soft and weak bones.
This was getting quite interesting for Charles now. All those years spent in anonymity; all those times spent throwing the wrappers away without knowing about the pool of information they withheld! All the questions that were crawling into his mind at the moment, the question that should have been answered long ago were now out in front of him to look at. And all he could do was smile, smile, smile …
You may also like to check on the following, in case, you are unknowingly missing a vital nutrient in your diet that can have significant impact on your kids or your health:
Beginner’s guide to:
Calories | Carbohydrates | Vitamins | Iron |
Proteins | Fibre | Trans Fat | Zinc |
Cholesterol | Folic Acid | Calcium | Sodium |
Chromium | Magnesium | Selenium |