Population born during the period early 1980s to early 2000s is called as “Generation Y” or “Millennial”. Since each generation has its specific characteristics which distinguish it from the rest generations, Generation Y is distinct too. Let us know about Generation Y traits…
1. Self-centered and individualistic – The Generation Y kids are more self-centered and individualistic in terms of uniqueness. They are taught that they are unique in their own ways. They are taught the value of individuality and independent thinking.
2. More than half of this generation does not believe in God or any other spiritual belief or any natural powers – People born in and after the period 1980s tend to have a belief that there is no God and that the spirits and ghosts do not exist. And this relatively resulted in lesser worshiping of God. The worshiped their work instead. Source
3. Peter Pan generation or Boomerang generation – These generation kids tend to live with their family members in their adulthood. This happened because of the high priced housing and increasing cost of education.
4. Open-mindedness and a feeling of oneness – Kids of Generation Y are comparatively more open-minded than that of the people of the previous generation. They do not sustain on the beliefs of the people of previous generation and they have a feeling of oneness as they believe that there is no religion in particular; but unity and giving equality to all religions and sections of society.
5. Youth unemployment and underemployment: a major economic concern – Most of the kids of Generation Y category do not have a full-time job though some of them have had a part time job during their education. And this is a reason for youth unemployment. They often feel that the job offered to them is not worthy, and this resulted in underemployment too.
6. Trophy kids: a competitive spirit and tolerance – The Generation Y kids enjoyed the reward of participation and not only the achievement. This generation has given a lot of achievers to the world, in many areas such as sports, business, etc.
7. They crave to change the world with their self-conducts – These kids believed that they could make a difference. And for that, they worked in good faith of the others and did not devalue others. These kids did not work at the cost of others and they did not intend to harm people.
8. Good inborn values – Generation Y kids created values in running their businesses in an ethical and socially responsible way. They even dealt and promoted the use of eco-friendly products because they felt the need of environment protection and sustainability. They focused on both profit maximization and satisfying consumer needs.
9. Trapped in student debts – Since the students of Generation Y did not have a permanent job, they tend to depend on financial aid from their families and friends. This is a factor of student debt in the Generation Y kids.
10. Technically successful and tech-savvy generation – This category of people is more successful in the technological world, as they innovated the internet, cell phones, email, high-speed internet, WiFi, etc. This has made access to an easier life and working. Because of growth in technology, people have more access to stay in touch with others living on the other end of the world. And this contributed to the international business.
The Generation Y people live a life full of enjoyment and technology. They enjoy their freedom with the use of digital media. And they are good people who have laid down their values. Apart from being individualistic thinkers, they are good at heart.