Honeymoons are a great time to sow your significant other that you are not just a simpleton. Check out these 8 Honeymoon tips for Men to look hot on your date.
8 Hot-shot Honeymoon tips for Men:
1. Flatter your features – We all know what we look good with. On a trip like your honeymoon, it is best not to experiment with your look. Wear that perfect shirt that makes you look sexy and charm your partner!
2. Clean clothes – Now, you don’t want to keep your partner at a distance on a honeymoon right? If you want to keep her closer, you ought to look clean! Stained clothes can stain the impression. Ensure that the clothes you carry along on your first trip with your wife are clean, and keep them so! No one likes a sloth!
3. Ironed clothes – Women love men who know the importance for dapper clothing. Ensure that you wear ironed clothes. If clothes have gotten dishevelled during the travel, use the hotel laundry to get them in order. It might cost a bit, but it’s worth it in the end!
4. Be in shape – Round is not a shape! We do not expect you to sport rock hard pecks and a six pack, but try to be as toned as possible. Love is blind, but sex isn’t!
5. Dress – Carry clothes according to your itinerary and dress that way too. In the rush to look sexy, men often overlook this point. Just think whether your sexiest suit is appropriate for the occasion or not. If you are on the beach, put beach wear; and on your dinner date, some dapper formals should be just nifty!
6. Unwanted body hair is shaved off – Don’t forget to pack a razor for your trip! No one likes hair here, there and everywhere! You know what we mean! Get rid of the unsexy hair, yes?
7. Not briefs – Studies have shown that women tend to find boxers sexier than briefs. More so, boxers are a safer bet to go by. You didn’t know that, did you? So there, your dilemma is solved!
8. Deodorants – Deodorants are important. However, which fragrance hikes up the pheromones? Musky is the answer. Go with a smooth musky fragrance that is manly and can last for long!
We hope these tips help! Play your strengths is what we say! The rest will pan out on its own!
And for your wonderful partner, hot-shot honeymoon tips for women