Honeymoons are a great time to sow your significant other that you are not just a simpleton. In order to go everything while you are on your honeymoon, make sure you follow these tips. Check out these 8 Hot-shot Honeymoon tips for Women.
8 Hot-shot Honeymoon tips for Women:
1. Condition your hair – Your tresses should be smooth and flowy, not ruffled and hay like! So ensure that they are clean, well trimmed and conditioned. After all, he will smell your hair at some point of time. And when he runs his hands through your hair, you don’t want them to be rough!
2. Wear clothes that flatter you – In an attempt to look hot, it is best not to wear clothes that are skimpy but not flattering on your body type. Wear clothes that you look best in. It is best not to imitate others, but carve a style for yourself.
3. Avoid too much make-up – Go minimalistic rather than over board. Just some gloss and eyeliner should do the trick in the day time. You can wear a sultry lipstick and some eye shadow and blush for the sexy dinner date later on though. After all, you want things to end up hot!
4. Unwanted body hair is at bay – Under arms, upper lips, caveman eyebrows and everywhere else. Ladies, hair are not sexy anywhere other than on your head! So, do the needful, yes?
5. Sexy lingerie – Lingerie is important and imperative to your sex appeal! It need not always be Victoria’s Secret but carry along lingerie that flatters your curves and can drive him wild! Bring it out as a surprise and you will not be disappointed!
6. Deodorant – It is best to choose a deodorant which has a sweet flowery smell. You always want to keep him close, don’t you? It tends to attract the testosterone better! More so, it brings out the femininity as well.
7. Initiate the intimacy – Shy is not sexy! Men want a lady in the street but a tigress in bed! So initiate the intimacy at times. Don’t be afraid to be on top! It will definitely strengthen your bond as a couple!
8. Moisturise – Smooth and moisturised skin is very sexy. Ensure that you use sunscreen with moisturizer to ensure that every touch is magic!
We hope these tips help! Play your strengths is what we say! The rest will pan out on its own!
And for your wonderful partner, hot-shot honeymoon tips for men