How to choose a right Pre-school brand?
If Shakespeare was alive today he probably wouldn’t have written the famous dialogue, “What’s in the name?”
In today’s era brand name can make or mar your image and position in the market. Especially, when you venture in Education sector with big players and names who are not only proficient players but can change the game even for rest.
Talking about one of the other important factor affecting Education and other industry in India is the increase in women entrepreneurs. Let us take the word Feminism in most positive and constructive manner and approach. Instead of wasting our energy in competing to be superior let us embrace our femininity, glorify our qualities and empower other associated with us.
What would better platform you get than a pre-school to practice all of these?
Now that you are determined to don the entrepreneurial hat comes the crucial stage of choosing the right name and brand.
Let us first understand what a Brand is and means?
A brand is not just a company logo, Brand is not just the numbers, and Brand is not just a name.
“A brand is, in essence, a promise to its customers that they can expect long-term security, a competitive frame of reference and consistent delivery of functional as well as emotional benefits.”
You should and must choose brand very carefully as you are going to be the face of that brand. Remember it won’t be just a name it will be your base, your selling point and most importantly your identity. Here is a quick guideline to choose wisely.
1. Create a list of the options
Ask people which pre-school brands are they aware of, create a casual questionnaire post it on social media, and fetch the data from print and digital media. Check websites of the brands, by now you will already know how updated the prospect company is in digital and print media which is essential in the current scenario.
2. Study the market positioning and image of the company
Check the prospect brand name’s company profile. When was the company established? Does the company has another chain apart from Pre-schools? This will give you a clear perspective on the positioning and base of the co. Also, Pre-school admissions get affected by the higher schools of same brand and presence of the company.
3. How well-researched and developed is the Curriculum?
The company might be branding in the fanciest manner by high-end marketing experts but employing a weak pedagogy will do no good to you or your business. Choose the pre-school brand with scientifically developed and well-structured curriculum. Another important factor one should and must check is whether the curriculum is being updated or not. Also, the approach should be global and versatile. The brand should and must be having not only global but more than one approach employed.
4. Teaching Aid and involvement in operations
Teaching Aid should be part of the curriculum and should carry a definite purpose and meaning than being just an ornately part of interiors. Have an elaborated discussion with company personnel regarding their role in assisting with the set-up, and training. Again, training should not be limited to one or two sessions but should be an ongoing affair. The proposed structure of school should be well-designed and planned considering the ECCE nuances. Go for the brand with the structured academic support team.
5. Parent’s review
Just as the saying goes, Don’t judge a book by its cover, it also applies don’t get deviated merely by a number of centres. Choose the Most Loved brand, for people will love a brand only when it keeps up with quality and service. What better way to know the same than having parent’s review?
A pre-school brand that has its foundation laid on well-structured curriculum, cooperative operations from a various department, good reputation and presence in the market should be ideal pick!