You are going to a job interview with an assumption that your education, qualifications and experience will be enough for the employer to choose you. Still, as unfair as it might seem, those are not the only things the interviewer will pay attention to. Since first impressions are formed in less than 30 seconds, he/she will, even unwillingly and subconsciously judge you by your appearance. Do not take this lightly, since how you dress can show your attitude and even send some hidden message about your personality. Considering that, you should choose carefully about what you are going to wear and how you will present yourself to your future employer.
Men’s Dressing Guide to Corporate Job Interview
1. First, Think about the Colors
Before you even start thinking about the clothing style, you need to consider the color palette you will wear. If you have ever heard about the psychological effect of colors, then you must know it can also be applied to this scenario. In fact, A CareerBuilder did a survey among human resource professionals and hiring managers concluded that blue is the best color to wear on a job interview, while orange is by far the worst. Since colors are, in a way, associated with some personal features, think about which quality you want to show – red is for power (use it in small details), white is for organizational skills, grey for logical thinking, blue for team work and brown for dependable.
2. A Suit is Always a Safe Choice
Do not be afraid of being overdressed because you can never go wrong with a dapper look and a nice looking suit. It will show that you are serious about getting the job and willing to be a dedicated and hardworking employee. If you want to really impress your boss-to-be, you should know that custom tailored suits always do the trick – they are perfectly fit and of great quality. A solid color two piece suit is a great choice for a job interview. Just make sure it is minimalist, without anything that is convoluted. Clean and simple lines will emphasize your silhouette and show professionalism. You can include some patterns, but do not go overboard.
3. What Is Underneath Counts
And by underneath, we do not mean your amazing personality, but your dress shirt. Opt for lighter tones which are great for professional context. Fit is also very important – oversized shirts are a true train wreck. Opt for a fitted model, and make sure it is properly ironed – wrinkled shirt is a big no-no and a reason for the employer’s kiss of death. As for the tie, not too slim, nor too wide, strike a balance. Consider a knitted silk-tie or some traditional pattern. The best colors you could choose are red, emerald green, navy blue, burgundy, etc.
4. Confident Steps and Right Accessories
A pair of shoes speaks louder than words, and if you choose right it can lead you straight inside the heart of the company. It is always best to decide for a classic pair of dress shoes – brogues, oxfords or wingtips. Still, round toe leather oxfords just might be the ideal choice for every job interview. Depending on the suit, brown or black are the best colors. Combine them with darker shades socks (subtly patterned if you wish). As for the accessories, be strategic. Do not go overboard with bulky pieces and vivid colors. A classic leather wrist watch, a structured envelope bag, and stylish cufflinks will be enough.
Remember, before you start planning your outfit, you should ask around about the typical dress code and the culture of the company that could hire you. That should determine what you should go for. If the dress code offers a chance to experiment, try to express your creativity with some personal touches.