Secondary Schools in Keilor East
There are 45 Secondary Schools in Keilor East within a radial distance of 10 KM.
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There is one Secondary School in Keilor East. Rest all 44 Secondary Schools are around Keilor East. Out of these 45 Secondary Schools, there are 27 Government and 18 Private Secondary Schools. Out of these, there are 10 Catholic Secondary Schools – 1 Boys Catholic Secondary Schools, 5 Girls Catholic Secondary Schools, 4 Co-ED Catholic Secondary Schools around Keilor East.
Understand the Table:
The table shows all Secondary Schools in Keilor East, as well as Secondary Schools within 10 km radius from Keilor East. The schools can be both Private and Government Secondary Schools in and around Keilor East, Melbourne.
Please note that Private Schools can be schools with religious affiliation (for example, Catholic, Lutheran school and so on.) or an Independent School or both.
The table, by default, displays the Distance in Ascending order from Keilor East to different suburbs with schools. Please note it is an approximate Radial Distance between suburbs and not the real distance between your home and the school. So, bear in mind to do the distance check before selecting any school in and around Keilor East.
How does the Filter field work?
If case you’re searching just for Private Secondary Schools in Keilor East, Melbourne then Filter at the base of the specific column, e.g. the Filter <Private>, shows just Private schools in and around Keilor East. Similarly, if you want to see only Govt Secondary Schools in Keilor East, Melbourne, type in the Filter <Govt>.
From-To field at the base of columns allows a user to get the result for a specific range. For instance, you can find all the schools for ‘Median VCE Score’ from 26 to 30 in Keilor East.
How does the Search field work?
The Search (which is right above the table) shows all the entries that contain the searched word / phrase.
Please note that the filter and the search may display different entries.
How does the Sorting option work?
If you want to find Best or Top 10 Secondary Schools in Keilor East, Melbourne based on Median VCE Score or Students to University or Teachers to Students Ratio or ICSEA score, click on the respective column heading that arranges the table either in Descending or Ascending Order and you get your Top 10 Secondary Schools within 10 Kms of Keilor East, Melbourne.
Please note that numbers such as FTE Student-Teacher Ratio of Schools in and around Keilor East may vary. So, if Student-Teacher Ratio is vital to you, bear in mind to verify it with the school.
Take note that if the Average Fees is A$0, then it may mean the school either did not share it or it is really zero.
We humbly request if you find any discrepancy in any data, please update us.
Please note: On Laptop/PC (except Tablet & Mobile), you can see the whole table in a tabular form.