Congratulations! You have entered in the third i.e. final trimester of pregnancy. We know that you have been following our advice and suggestions for your good. And the continuity of your pregnancy might have raised your curiosity about the things, precautions, diet, medications, exercises and other things to do in your seven-month pregnancy. Here are the pregnancy tips for 7th month that you should follow-
Seventh month Pregnancy guide
1. Rib pain – As your baby grows, your body weight increases at a steady rate of about one pound per week now. This growth causes your baby to push upward towards your rib cage. This may lead to rib pain and also, indigestion and heartburn. With the stretches in your uterine muscles, you may feel stitch-like pains down the side of your abdomen.
2. Your body – During seventh month pregnancy, your baby gets stronger and larger, the uterus expands above your navel causing shortness of breaths, leg cramps and swelling of ankles and feet, clumsiness, difficult sleeping, lower abdominal achiness or scattered Braxton Hicks contractions. Your body may feel the urge to urinate more frequently again due to the continuation of pushing the uterus on your bladder.
Braxton Hicks contractions are usually painless and infrequent contractions. Some experts say that these contractions help your pelvic muscles stretchier to make your body ready for delivery. You may feel your uterus muscles tightening. This may last for 30 seconds, few times a day. If you observe four or more contractions in an hour, call your doctor as it may be a sign of premature labor.
3. Preeclampsia – dangerous – During the seventh month, your blood pressure may rise. The symptoms you may experience may include severe headaches, decreased urination, severe swelling of hands, feet or ankles; blurred vision, or gaining a lot of weight. Such symptoms may be the reason of beginning of preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia is a dangerous condition caused due to high blood pressure and high levels of protein in the urine while you are pregnant. Preeclampsia may also affect other body organs, such as brain, kidney and liver. Check with your doctor if you are suffering from preeclampsia.
4. Signs of premature labor – You may have acquired 19-25 pounds (8-11 kgs) of weight by now. Premature labor is when your body starts developing for birth too early than your due date. Signs of premature labor include lower back pain, menstrual-like cramps, watery brownish or pinkish discharge sometimes followed by thick mucus plug or seepage of amniotic fluid. Sensitive or continuous vomiting, more than five contractions per hour, pain during urination, severe pelvic pressure, bright red blood from vagina, swelling of face or hands, and prolonged pain stomach are the other symptoms of premature labor.
If anything of these mentioned things happens with you, tell your doctor as soon as possible. They may halt labor from developing any further with bed rest, medications or hospitalization.
5. Prevention of premature labor – Foods that contain magnesium help you to absorb the calcium you consume. It also helps in relaxing the muscles and leg cramps and eventually prevents premature labor. Taking magnesium is one the pregnancy tips for 7 month.
350-400 mg of magnesium intake every day is advisable. Magnesium can be consumed in the form of black beans, almonds, oat bran, artichoke, pumpkin seeds, etc.
6. A doula – If your partner wants to be present with you by your side at the time of delivery in the delivery room, you can think about hiring a doula. A doula is a nonmedical person, usually known as a birth companion or birth supporter who assists the pregnant woman, her spouse and family by the physical assistance, and emotional support. Doulas may help the pregnant women to shorten the labor and minimize the possibility of needing pain medication, vacuum deliveries, forceps or a cesarean section. Pregnancy tips for seventh month also include planning to hire a doula, if preferable.
7. Preparation – The seventh month is the ideal time for preparing a bag for pregnancy. The bag for you should primarily contain your case papers, test reports, hospital card or maternity health record. This should also contain the supplements prescribed, a pair of slippers, light colored cotton cloth (preferably white or cream), 3 packets of sanitary napkins, 2-3 flowing maternity dress, nursing bras, regular bras, comfortable innerwear, a bath towel, hairs bands, toiletries, a flask, coming-home dress for you, healthy food for you, mobile phone and charger, camera if you wish to click pictures.
The hospital bag for your baby should contain a receiving blanket, baby robe, baby towels, oil (preferably coconut oil), cotton clothes, 2 packets of baby wipes, 2 packets of new born diapers, coming-home dress for baby, baby blanket.
Apart from preparing bags, write down your delivery preferences and plans that may also include the person who you want to be present near you at the time giving birth and share that with your doctor.
8. Back issues – As you are continually gaining weight, the bump around your naval is growing. You may be facing problem in bending your body. Watch your weight and maintain a regular report of your body weight. Your body weight may help you deal with back ache. If you have become overweight, gentle exercises after consulting well with your doctor may help you reduce your weight.
Do not sit or stand for long in one position as it may worsen the back ache. Taking rest at regular intervals is a good remedy. And if the pain is severe, you may consult a skilled, registered homeopath.
9. Swollen and puffy – Your body parts may swell this month. This is because of increased blood supply inside your body. You may start feeling swollen and puffy. The body parts i.e. your hands, feet, ankles; your entire body will look larger than before. There is also a risk of varicose veins and vulva more now. Swelling and puffiness are seventh month of pregnancy symptoms.
10. Hot flashes – The extra blood supply in your body to all body parts may cause you feel hot flashes – a burning sensation or flaming all time. No matter it is winter or rainy season or any season, you may feel excessive hotness or warmness in all seasons whether its summer or winter due to changes occurring inside your body.
11. Colostrum – Your breasts will grow more and nipples will darken. You may experience the leakage of colostrums from your breasts. Colostrum is clear yellowish early milk that is rich in nutrients and a fundamental element for your baby.
12. Level of hemoglobin – There may be a sheer decline in the levels of hemoglobin in your body. Therefore, we suggest you to take the iron rich foods in seventh month of pregnancy diet. With the continuing consumption of pregnancy-food supplements, foods rich in iron are equally important. For the faster and effective consumption of iron, equal amounts of Vitamin C is also required.
13. Omega 3 fatty acids – The foods are rich in omega-three fatty acids will help to enhance the progress of your baby who is increasingly growing with cognitive and visual development. Foods like fish, sea food and walnuts are prominent examples of rich sources of omega 3. Such food items should be well consulted with your doctor first before adding these in your diet plan in seventh month of pregnancy, as they may cause allergy.
14. Anaemia and hemorrhage – The anemia and hemorrhage are a cause of concern during pregnancy and if you want to avoid them, start taking extra iron. 27 mg of iron is recommended every day. Red meat, seeds, beans, rice, and poultry are rich in iron and protein. This protein gets converted by your body into amino acids that is one of the necessary elements that ensures a rapid growth of your baby.
15. Foods should include… – Your 7th month of pregnancy diet should comprise calcium and folic acid. Calcium intake of a minimum 1000 mg per day is advisable as it is a crucial element for your baby’s skeleton development. Milk, yogurt, salmon, and oatmeal are rich sources of calcium. Folic acid will help you to prevent the risk of baby’s neural tube defects. Grains, collard or dark green leafy vegetables, some fruit like oranges and strawberries contain folic acids. Foods with DHA help in the growth of baby’s brain. 200 mg of DHA is recommended which include milk, juices, and eggs.
16. Bleeding – If there is bleeding in the seventh month of pregnancy, it is a serious concern. You may also experience abdominal pain. Bleeding may be meek or enormously heavy. Problems with placenta known as placenta previa can be a cause of late pregnancy bleeding. The other cause may be the rupturing of the uterus. Such situations are dangerous if not treated well. In case you observe blood spots or abdominal pain, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
17. Medical visit – You may be visiting your doctor once in two weeks during your third trimester. Various tests should be checked by your health care provider or doctor. The tests may include your body weight, urine, blood pressure, size and shape of uterus, size and position of the uterus, fetal heartbeat, fundus i.e. height of the top of your uterus and swelling of ankles and feet, specifically if the swelling is accompanied by visual changes, abdominal pain or headaches.
The doctor may give you Rhogam injection this month if you are Rh-negative to avert complications. To check gestational diabetes, glucose test shall also be done.
Hemolytic disease is a condition when the antibodies of mother attack the red blood cells of the fetus. It can be prevented by the injection given to the pregnant woman during the seventh month.
18. Good posture – Maintaining a good posture may help in relieving the back strain. You should wear low-heeled sandals and shoes as you have gained a lot of weight by now. You may also use a firm mattress to lie down. A proper nutritious diet and healthy pregnancy exercise will boost your energy levels and enhance your endurance for birth. Swimming is one the fittest physical activities during late pregnancy. However, you should keep yourself away from over-exercising.
19. Maternal fat stores? You have put on weight this month. Do not overwhelm about your increasing body weight. You should know that a healthy pregnancy is maintained by the extra weight you put on during pregnancy. Seventh month pregnancy advice is to not lose weight during pregnancy because the toxins may be released while you are burning the maternal fat stores and these toxins may harm your baby.
20. Nonstress test – Your baby has developed wholly now. The baby has become lively and energetic. You may be directed by your doctor or health care provider to count the kicks each day. If you feel in-activeness or lesser activeness, inform your doctor about it. A nonstress test or biophysical profile may be undergone to check your baby’s condition.
21. Supine Hypotensive Syndrome – Supine Hypotensive Syndrome happens when a pregnant woman feels suddenly dizzy due to change in heart rate and blood pressure until she changes position while lying flat on her back. Some of the pregnant women experience this situation. If you stand up too hastily, you may feel light-headed. Lie on your side instead of your back to avoid such spins and move leisurely when you are standing.
22. Stay away from… – Avoid fried and spicy food to keep away from heartburn. Sodium packed food and foods high in salt content like ketchup, chips, pickles and sauces, canned food should be avoided during pregnancy. Avoid caffeinated beverages to reduce chances of constipation at this stage of pregnancy. Tobacco and alcohol are harmful too for your baby. Over eating of junk food or processed food has no nutritive value and you should refrain yourself from eating such food items. Such foods should be excluded from the food to be taken during 7th month of pregnancy.
23. Breathing – During seventh month, your body will need more amount of oxygen. The ever-expanding uterus may restrict this amount of oxygen you get while inhaling air. To match up your oxygen requirement, you should do deep abdominal breathing. Reducing down your activity-level may also help to catch up more oxygen. You may sleep with extra pillows to keep good sleeping/lying posture that ultimately assist you to breathe more of oxygen.
24. Pelvic floor – If you have weak pelvic floor, muscles, like leaking small amounts of vaginal discharge while sneezing, coughing or exercising, you should do your pelvic floor exercise also known as Kegel exercise. You can do it anytime while sitting or standing.
Hold on your wee area and release. It is like stopping or controlling the urine. Try to hold this for about 6-10 seconds. Do not perform pelvis floor exercise while urinating as it may be harmful. Do not hold your breath while doing this exercise. You can do this exercise as many times as you want.
Extra care with everything that affects you and your baby is a subset of third trimester of pregnancy. You are almost near to your destination. Hold some patience and be forward looking to that goal. And do not forget to follow tips and take special precautions during 7th month of pregnancy after consulting your doctor to protect you from any kind of pregnancy complications.
Disclaimer: Make sure that this generic advice is good for you in all manners. All the suggestions, diet plans, and tests must be cross-checked with your doctor as they may vary based on your medical history or health conditions. Hence, it is advisable to consult a doctor before adhering to any of them.