If there would ever be a guide book to understand women, it would be only blank pages. It is true that one cannot understand women and machinery. The mood swings are extreme and can leave you wondering. But here is a quick guide to
What she says and what she means
1. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes” means Get ready to wait for another half hour”.
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2. “I am busy with work” means I don’t have a spare minute to fit you in my schedule.
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3. “It is okay” means It is so not okay and you’ll have to pay for this 2 months and 13 days later.
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4. “Do you love me?” means I am going to ask for something exorbitant, so be ready for the hole in your pocket.
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5. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship” means I don’t see that spark in you and you are not my type. In other words, “I don’t feel the chemistry to date you.” She wants to remain friends with you.
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6. “Am I looking fat?” means Say yes, and you are screwed.
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7. “I am just kidding” means I was pretty much serious and you are dumb not to understand my sarcasm.
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8. “I am really not upset anymore” means I am totally upset and secretly demand extra pampering.
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9. “I am full” means I am starving, but hen how to say this directly.
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10. “Who was that girl?” means Just tell me the name, the rest I’ll find out myself.
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11. “Nothing” means there is definitely something and you should be aware of it. All you men, if you still have not figured out, what it is then you are for sure into trouble.
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12. “Fine” means That’s the easiest way to end a fight woman knows. All you men should consider it as OK and walk away. You must now feel lucky!
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13. “Can you hug me” means she is on her periods and she is missing someone being by her side. Sex is not on her mind.
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14. “We need” means ‘I need’. It is very specifically means – “I need this”
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15. “This room is” means For sure she is not liking it and giving you a hint to think of moving to a better place.
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16. “I am sorry” means Beware! Stay geared up for something worst going to happen where you will have to feel sorry.
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17. “Do you want to eat out?” means She has found a new place to eat. She is not in a mood to cook today.
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18. “Your mother taught me” means You better like it, how so ever it tastes.
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19. “I am not shouting” means She wants to be heard and make it clear to you. You better agree to it.
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20. “Are you seeing someone right now?” means She might want to put an application. Also, she wants to be sure that she is not wasting her time on an already taken man.
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21. “Where is this relationship going?” means She either want to graduate to the next level or she wants to move out of it.
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