- What is Zinc?
Zinc is a mineral found in several aspects of cellular working in our body. It is needed as a catalyst for most of the chemical reactions in our body. It is also essential for normal growth and development.
- What are the Sources of Zinc?
Oysters are the food that contains maximum zinc. Zinc is also found in beef, crab, lobsters, pork, chicken, cheese, cashews and yogurt.
- How much Zinc should I take?
Zinc is required in very small doses. The amount of zinc recommended for adult males is just 11 mg, and it is 8 mg for females. For infants and children the adequate intake is around 2 – 3 mg only.
- What can happen if I Dont take Zinc?
Deficiency of zinc can cause retarded growth and loss of appetite. In some rare cases, it can cause skin lesions, impotence, hair loss and diarrhoea.
You may also like to check on the following, in case, you are unknowingly missing a vital nutrient in your diet that can have significant impact on your kids or your health:
Beginner’s guide to:
Calories | Carbohydrates | Fats | Iron |
Proteins | Fibre | Trans Fat | Vitamins |
Cholesterol | Folic Acid | Calcium | Sodium |
Chromium | Magnesium | Selenium |